Stephen Knapp CV

                                   (Sri Nandanandana dasa)

Location:            Detroit, Michigan, USA 




Website:    and



Education:           1969: Graduated--Buchanan High School, Buchanan, Michigan

1970: Lake Michigan College, Benton Harbor, Michigan

1971: Started his independent research and study of Eastern Cultures and philosophy, Yoga, Vaishnavism, and India.

1975: Started a spiritual apprenticeship under the auspices of a spiritual master, His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, and in Iskcon.

1976, Springtime: Was duly initiated by Swami Prabhupada and given the spiritual name of Sri Nandanandana dasa. Was brahminically initiated several months later.


Study Travel:           From 1987 to Present: He has taken sixteen trips to India and has traveled extensively throughout the country, visiting practically every major holy place in India, along with prominent temples, ashramas, historical sites, etc.


Career:                   1986: Founder and owner of The World Relief Network, a publishing company for the dissemination of accurate information on the Vedic philosophy, Vedic culture, Vaishnavism, and the process of bhakti-yoga.


2001: Founding member and President of the Vedic Friends Association, a non-profit institution for networking with other prominent writers and lecturers on providing a free affiliation with all who are interested in understanding and promoting an accurate understanding of Vedic culture and traditions of India.



Current Position:      Managing the World Relief Network, started in 1986, for writing and publishing books.

                       One of the founders and past president of the Vedic Friends Association, started in 2001.

                           Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Detroit Iskcon Temple, from 2005 to 2015. 

                           Full time lecturer and writer of articles and books on different aspects of the Vedic culture and its traditions.

                           From 1975 onwards, involved in various aspects of temple management, such as treasury, accounting, landlord, general manager, Board of Directors member, Board Chairman, and Deity pujari--priest.   


Published Books:   1986: The Secret Teachings of the Vedas: The Eastern Answers to the Mysteries of Life

1987: The Universal Path to Enlightenment

1998: The Vedic Prophecies: A New Look into the Future

1999: Facing Death: Welcoming the Afterlife

2000: How the Universe was Created and Our Purpose In It (The Vedic Version)

2000: Proof of Vedic Culture=s Global Existence

2001: The Key to Real Happiness

2005: Destined for Infinity (A spiritual adventure novel).

2005: Vedic Culture: The Difference it can Make in Your Life

2005: The Heart of Hinduism: The Eastern Path to Freedom, Empowerment and Illumination.

2005: Reincarnation and Karma: How They Really Affect Us.

2006: The Power of the Dharma: An Introduction to Hinduism and Vedic Culture

2007: The Eleventh Commandment: The Next Step for Social Spiritual Development

2008: Seeing Spiritual India: A guide to Temples, Holy Sites, Festivals and Traditions

2009: Crimes Against India: And the Need to Protect its Ancient Vedic Traditions: 1000 Years of Attacks Against Hinduism and What to do About it.

2010: Yoga and Meditation: Their Real Purpose and How to Get Started.

2010: Avatars, Gods and Goddesses of Vedic Culture.

2010: The Soul: Understanding Our Real Identity.

2011: Prayers, Mantras and Gayatris: A Collection for Insights, Protection, Spiritual Growth, and Many Other Blessings.

2011: Krishna Deities and Their Miracles: How the Images of Lord Krishna Interact with Their Devotees

2011: Defending Vedic Dharma: Tackling the Issues to Make a Difference.

2012: Advancements of Ancient India's Vedic Culture: The Planet's Earliest Civilization and How it Influenced the World.

2012: Spreading Vedic Traditions Through Temples: Proven Strategies That Make Them More Effective.

2013: The Bhakti-yoga Handbook: A Guide for Beginning the Essentials of Devotional Yoga.

2014: Lord Krishna and His Essential Teachings: If God Were to Tell You the Truth About Life, This is It.

2015: Mysteries of the Ancient Vedic Empire: Recognizing Vedic Contributions to Other Cultures Around the World.

2016: Casteism in India.

2016: The Ancient History of Vedic Culture

2017: Bhakti Yoga: The Easy Path of Devotional Yoga

2018: The Power of the Maha-Mantra

2018: The Power of the Bhagavad-Gita

2019: The Power of the Ramayana

2019: The Power of Sri Sri Radha-Kunjabihari

2020: Seeing Spiritual India: Photos of the Temples and Holy Sights of Northern India

2021: Seeing Spiritual India: Photographs of Temples and Culture of South India  


Small Free Ebooks:

Why Be a Hindu: The Advantages of the Vedic Path (A short e-book)

Vedic Culture / Hinduism: A Short Introduction

Basic Points About Vedic Culture / Hinduism: A Short Introduction Part 2

Thirty-One Days to Salvation on the Vedic Path

Meditation: A Short Course to Higher Consciousness

Yoga and How to Get Started

A Complete Review of the Vedic Literature

Sri Krishna

Shiva and Durga: Their Real Identity

Manifestation of Souls and Where They Go

Death of the Aryan Invasion Theory

The Aryan Invasion Theory: The Final Nail in its Coffin

The Taj Mahal: Its Alternative History as a Vedic Temple


Published Articles:      This does not include the articles he has written that have been used by other publications, or circulated through the internet and used on a variety of websites. These are the ones we know about.


                                      ASeeing Spiritual India@ published in AAccent@ magazine Mumbai, India, April, 2001.


AA. C. Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada: A Short Biography@ published in AAccent@ magazine, Mumbai, India, May, 2001


AThe War Against Hinduism@ published in ABharatiya Pragna@ an Indian magazine, September, 2001. Other articles by Stephen Knapp continue to be published in this journal. 


ATerrorism Strikes America: A Spiritual Perspective@ published in ATana Patrika: Telegu Association of North America, Inc.@ Volume 17, Number 2, November, 2001


AUFOs and Vimanas@ published by AUFO Magazine@, Volume 17, Number 2, April/May, 2002


AVedic Culture: The Last Bastion of Deep Spiritual Truth@ published in ABharatiya Pragna@ December, 2002.


AFighting to Preserve a Tribal Heritage@ with seven photographs taken by Stephen, published in the January-March, 2005 edition of AHinduism Today@.     


Buddhism and its Connections with Vedic Culture published in the Vishwa Dharma Digest, July-Sept., 2006


"Women Occupy a High Position in Vedic Culture" published in Chaitanya Bharati, Special Publication, January-March, 2007


Reincarnation: A Simple Explanation, in the July-September, 2007 edition of the Vishwa Dharma Digest.


Vedic Temples: Making Them More Effective in the January-March 2009 edition of the Vishwa Dharma Digest. Several other articles of Stephen Knapp have also appeared in other editions of this magazine.


"Why All Religions are Not the Same" in the March-April, 2010 issue of "Marg: A Path to Hindu Heritage."


"Giving Vedic Culture to the Next Generation" Part 1 in "Navrang Times, May 2010.


"Giving Vedic Culture to the Next Generation" in the 20th Arya Maha Sammelan souvenir issue for July, 2010.


"American Hindus: How to Cultivate Your Culture in America" in the Sept-Oct., 2010 issue of "Marg: A Path to Hindu Heritage.


"American Hindus: How to Cultivate Your Culture in America" in the July--September, 2010 issue of "Vishva Dharma Digest."


"A Cure for the Corruption in India" (part 1) published in the April, 2011 (Vol.1, Issue No. 8) of New Global India magazine, Pune.


"A Cure for the Corruption in India" (part 2) published in the May, 2011 (Vol.1, Issue No. 9) of New Global India magazine, Pune.


"Hinduism / Sanatana-Dharma in a Nutshell" published in the March-April 2011 edition of Marg: A Path to Hindu Heritage.


"The Hindu Identity and Cause for Hindu Unity" published in the Sept-Oct., 2011 edition of Marg: A Path to Hindu Heritage.


                                      November, 2011, Article about Stephen Knapp and his books and website in the popular Telegu Monthly issue of Rushipeetan Magazine, November, 2011, written by M. Satyavathi. This was followed by a series of articles in the same magazine based on the contents of Stephen's book, "Proof of Vedic Culture's Global Existence."


"God is Love: What Does it Mean," published in the July-August edition of "MARG, A Path to Hindu Heritage." 


"Strong Hindu Families for Strong Hindu Youth," published in the September-October, 2015 of "MARG: A Path to Hindu Heritage."


"The Greatness of Ancient India's Developments", published in the November-December, 2015 of "MARG: A Path to Hindu Heritage."


This list does not include the many papers that he has written for his website that have been circulated and republished on other various websites, internet magazines, and through emails that circulate around the world.


Through this means Stephen is also a regular contributor to the email magazine Vedantin of "Vedanta Today", reached at: For example, the September, 2011 issue included articles, "Finding Our Real spiritual Identity," and "How Can we see God," and others.


"The Purpose of Defending Dharma," in the inauguration issue of "Hinduism Now," March, 2016.


"Understanding the Traditional Legend of the Kumbha Mela," and "Tirtharaja--Triveni Sangam," in the April, 2016 issue of "Hinduism Now."


"Yoga and Meditation: Their Origins and Real Purpose," in Hindu Vishwa, April-June, 2016.


A little article of mine in the October 7, 2016 edition of India Abroad about the significance of the goddesses and observing Navaratri:


An article on Sanskrit for the Sydney Sanskrit School ( in its annual magazine titled "Medha" for their Samskrutotsavam day, the 16th of October, 2016 celebrating its 10th year. A copy of the magazine can be viewed at:


"Vedic Influence in Japan and Korea" in Dharma Today, April, 2016.


"Vedic Influence in Iraq and Iran," in Dharma Today, December 30, 2016.


"The Ramayana on the Need for a Proper Leader (Part 1)," in Hindu Vishwa, January-March, 2017.


"Sanatana Dharma: Its Real Meaning," in MARG: A Path to Hindu Heritage, March-April, 2017.


"The Signs of Vedic Culture in the Middle East," in Dharma Today, April-June, 2017.


"Prasada: The Power of Sacred Food," in Hindu Vishwa, April-June, 2018.


"Past, Present and Future of Hinduism in North America," in MARG: A Path to Hindu Heritage, Nov.-Dec. 2018.


"The Primary Mission of the Vedic Temples Giving Inspiration," in MARG: A Path to Hindu Heritage, May-June, 2021.


"Caste by Birth is Unjust," Hindu Vishwa Magazine --  April-June, 2021.


"Death of the Aryan Invasion Theory," in MARG: A Path to Hindu Heritage, September-October, 2021.


"According to Vedic Scriptures Caste by Birth is Unjust," in MARG: A Path to Hindu Heritage, March-April, 2022.


"Vedic Culture: As Relevant Today as Ever," in Hindu Vishwa, July-Sep., 2022.



Lectures & Presentations

                Stephen has made numerous presentations on Vedic culture and spirituality over the years, from slide shows on his travels through India to lectures and presentations on various aspects of the Vedic tradition to a wide variety of audiences, from children to adults, and Indian Hindus to Westerners.

             This includes three lecture tours through India. One was in June of 2001 giving lectures to chapters of the Bharata Prajna of scholars and other organizations through central India, which included places such as Mumbai, Hyderabad, Warangal, Vijayawada, Vishakapatnam, Bangalore, and other cities. Two tours were given through the troubled area of Northeast India, one in December of 2001, another in December of 2003, in Assam, Arunachal Pradhesh, Nagaland, and Manipur. Lectures were given at schools, colleges, and adult institutions at both large cities and small towns.

             A fourth lecture tour was given in January-February of 2008 through central India, including colleges and universities and other organizations in such places as Chennai, Hyderabad, Warangal, Karimnagar, Vijayawada, Guntur, and Tirupati. During this time he was also a guest speaker at the meeting of 10,000 people in Tirupati for the culmination of the 6 month Padayatra of Kamal Kumar Swami, sponsored by the Global Hindu Heritage Foundation, speaking for the preservation of Hindu temples in Andhra Pradhesh. 

             The following list of additional lectures does not include the numerous talks and presentations he has given at temples, both Iskcon and other Hindu temples, about the path of Vedic spirituality and Sanatana-dharma. Some of his other talks include the following, along with numerous others:


Since 1990, he has been a regular guest on the cable show Out of the Ordinary / Into the Extraordinary hosted by Robert Taylor on the Grosse Pointe Cable network in Michigan.


Talk at Cornell University for the student Vedic group on the Vedic version of the creation of the cosmos.  


Two talks at Penn State University, one on the influence of Indians on the American development and economy, and one on Vedic spirituality.


June, 2004, by invitation, a short introductory talk at the Swadyaya Conference with Dadaji at Madison Square Garden in front of 25,000 people.


September 2004, key note speaker at the fundraiser for the VHP at the Bharatiya Temple, Troy, Michigan.


August 15, 2005, a guest speaker at the First Dharma Summit in North America, in New Jersey: How to Spiritualize our Daily Lives.


Sept. 25, 2005, Power of the Dharma with the introduction to Vedic Culture, Hindu Awareness Day, at Jain Center, Cincinnati Dayton Rd. For the Cincinnati Chapter of the VHP


February, 2006: One of the speakers, sharing the stage with Swami Dayananda Sarasvati, at the start up of the "Spirituality Beyond Religion" conference in Jaipur, India, by the World Council of Elders in partnership with the World Council of Ethnic Religions based in Europe, co-sponsored by the International Center for Cultural Studies in India.


July 15, 2006 talk at the World Association for Vedic Studies conference, Houston, Texas.


October, 2006, Gita Group on Vedic Spirituality in Washington, DC.


October, 2006, How Vedic Culture is as Relevant Today as Ever, presentation at a personal home gathering of Dr. Dilip Doctor in Long Island, New York.


October 2006, Swaminarayan temple in Brooklyn New York, short talk on the need to preserve Vedic Culture.


November 14, 2006, How Vedic Culture is as Relevant Today as Ever, at Eastern Michigan University, Ann Arbor, Michigan.


2008: Did an interview for Arish Asahani on his radio show on RBC Radio out of New York City on the values of Vedic culture.


2008/9: Also did a few interviews for Dr. Sharad Wagle on his radio show on Easy 96 in New York, called Arise Arjuna Hour.


June 2009: Guest speaker on two shows of Common Threads on the Public Radio Station in Grand Rapids, Michigan, with host Fred Stella, president of the Interfaith Dialog, Michigan.


July 2-4, 2009: Gave one of the spiritual discourses at the 17th TANA (Telegu) Conference at the Rosemont convention center in Rosemont, Illinois, near Chicago for which he received a plaque in recognition of the valuable service he has done for spirituality and Hinduism.


July 9-12, 2009: Provided classes and presentations on the value of Vedic culture, etc. at the VHPA Camp at Rockville, Maryland.


September 6 to October 7, 2009, Stephen provided over 90 lectures in 30 days to over 76 different institutions, of which the most prominent included the following in Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Coimbatore, and Goa:


Near Pune:

IBMR Management College in Nigdi,

Pimpri Chinchwad College,

IBMR Institute of Management Business & Research in Nigdi,

Sinhgad Institute of Technology,

Sharada College of Science,

Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering,

Tolani Maritime College at Simhachalam outside Pune,

 Tiffany College in Pune,

Visvakarma Institute of Technology in Pune,


In Bangalore:

Defense Research and Development Organization in Bangalore,

Sindhi College in Bangalore,

Sheshadripuram College of Management,

Rashtriya Vidya Peta College of Engineering,

PESIT City College,

AMC College of Engineering,

AMC College of Management,

Sheshadripuram Evening College,


In Coimbatore:

Ayurvedic Pridya Vidyashala Pharmacy College in Coimbatore,

P.S.G. Institute of Technology,

KGISL Institute,


In and Around Mumbai:

S.P.N.Doshi Womens College in Mumbai

SIMSR at S. K. Somaiyas campus,

Somaiya Polytechnic Hostel,

Shah & Anchor College,

P. L. Dalmia College,

Bhaktivedanta Hospital,

Bombay Management Association,

K. J. Somaiya I.T. College,

K. J. Somaiya Hospital & Research Center,

M.E.T. Institute of Management,

University and Institute of Chemical Technology,

S.I.E.S. College of Art, Science and Commerce,

Oriental Institute of Management,

Bhavans Somani College at Chowpatty,

Aditya Birla Center,

S.I.E.S. College of Commerce in Sion,

Rachna Sansad Academy of Architecture,

Vasant Dada Patil Polytechnic College,

Patkar College at Goregaon,

Veramata Jijabai Technical Institute,

Indian Medical Association,

Baba Atomic Research Center,

Vidya Vihar Science College,

Indira Gandhi College at Navi Mumbai,

Rajiv Gandhi College for Management,

Ruia College,

Thadumal Sahani Engineering College at Bandra,

S.P.C.E. College of Engineering,

I.I.T. Mumbai,


Around Goa:

Blue Cross Company in Verma, Goa

D-Link company,

Lawyers Association at the Hotel Mandovi, in Panjim, Goa,



G.K.B. Company,

Watson Pharmaceutical Company,

Goa College of Engineering,

Rayeshwar Institute of Technology. 



April, 2010, provided an accelerated course on the Bhagavad-gita at the Detroit Krishna temple lasting one hour daily for over 3 1/2 weeks.


April 21, 2010 at Hindu Temple of Greater Cincinnati, "Hindu Deities and Their Artistic Expression," exploring the significance and characteristics of Vedic deities as well as the historical and scriptural basis for deity worship.


August 6-8, 2010, HSS Hindu Youth Camp, made presentations to the youth and additional presentations to the adults on the benefits of Vedic culture, such as "Why be a Vedic Ambassador," and "American Hindus: How to Cultivate Your Culture in America."


                        Stephen's September, 2010 lecture tour of South India consisted of the following itinerary of speaking at some of India's most noteworthy colleges and universities, as well as public lectures, as organized by the Citizens Intellectual Forum

In Bangalore
-Lecture at a special meeting with other Pro-India and Hindu men.
-An evening program with special invited guests
Sept 6:
-Lecture at S.J.B. Institute of Technology
-ISEC, Institute of Social and Economic Change
-an evening program with specially invited guests
Sept 7:
-University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering
-Nitte Meenakshi Technological Institute
-a Home program of specially invited guests.

-B.N.M. Institute of Technology
-People's Educational Society Institute of Technology

Sept. 9:
-Morning talk to special group
-Vidya Vittala Institute of Technology
-M. S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology
An evening discussion with special invited guests

Sept. 10:
-A talk on improvements for India to specially invited guests.
Sept. 11:
-A special home discussion with invited guests

Sept. 12:
-A special public lecture to 160 people on India's culture at a private hall, graced by Jagadguru Sri Sri Shivarathri Deshikendra Swamiji from the Suthur Math.

Sept. 13:
-J.S.S. Mahavidya Peetham Center for Management Studies
-J. S. S. Hospital Hall on "Rediscovering the Glories of Indian Spiritual Culture."
Sept. 14:
-SBRR Mahajana First Grade College
-National Institute of Engineering
-Suthur Math, gave a talk to the nearly 4000 students.

-Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, gave the keynote address on the 150th year of Engineer's Day, followed by another presentation in one of the classrooms there.

Back in Bangalore


Sept. 16:

-International Institute of Information Technology

-A. M. C. Engineering College

-A home program with specially invited guests on the direction of India.

Sept. 17:
-Seshadripuram Law College
-Indian Institute of Management, one of the most prominent in India

Sept. 18:
-JSS Academy of Technical Education
-Bangalore Institute of Technology
Sept. 20:
-Mangalore University
-Sri Dharmasthalam Manjunatheshvara College of Business

Sept. 21:
Srinivasa Institute of Management Studies
-Karnataka Bank Hall for public discourse on India.

Sept. 22:
Manipal Institute of Technology




-Bangalore National Law School
-International Institute of Science

Sept. 24:
-Amrita Institute of Technology

-A special presentation to invited guests and CEOs at an international internet company called "Global Edge."

Sept. 26:
-A special home program for particular invited guests on the future of India and its culture.

These dates included a constant flow of special meetings with other noteworthy people, such as M. Ram Jois, the retired judge of Karnataka High Court and Chief Justice of Punjab and Haryana High Court, as well as K. S. Narayanacharya, retired English teacher but active writer on the Vedic tradition. 


November 16, 2010

Another lecture given at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) of Delhi.


May 1, 2011

Lecture at the Parashakthi Temple in Pontiac, Michigan on "Sri Sri Radha and Krishna: How to Meditate on Them and Reach Their Spiritual Abode"  as part of their Prana Pratheestha or installation process of their Sri Sri Radha Krishna Deities.


May 7, 2011

Lecture on "Vedic Prophecies" given at "The Festival of Inspiration" at New Vrindavan, West Virginia, which each festival for the past several years.


May 11, 2011

Lecture on "Prayers, Mantras and Gayatris" for the television show "Out of the Ordinary, Into the Extraordinary" for Grosse Pointe, Michigan Cable TV. This is a show that he has appeared on many times before. 


May 13, 2011

Lecture on "Secrets to Ease Your Stress" at one of the General Motors office buildings on Van Dyke near Detroit.


May 21, 2011

Lecture for the Hindu youth of Indian descent at the HSS shaka meeting in Tampa, Florida

Lecture at the Hindu Temple of Tampa, Florida on Being Hindu in America.


July 29-31, 2011

Provided a presentation on how "Caste by Birth Alone is Unjust" at the World Association of Vedic Studies (WAVES) conference on Caste, Jati and Kula in Newark, New Jersey.


August 4-7, 2011

Returned to the annual HSS Hindu Youth Camp to make presentations to the youth and additional presentations to the adults on the benefits of Vedic culture, such as "The Power of a United Hindu Identity," "Giving Vedic Culture to the Next Generation," "Staying Connected with the Vedic Tradition," "Strong Roots, Strong Future," "How Vedic Culture is as Relevant Today as Ever," and others.


September 17, 2011

Featured speaker at the Hindu Awareness Seminar at the Hindu Temple of Metropolitan Washington, DC, in Adelphi, Maryland, supported by the Marg Foundation.


September 23-25, 2011

Featured speaker at the Sixth Hindu Mandir Executives' Conference in Columbus, Ohio, speaking on the importance of the Mandirs as being living symbols of Sanatana-dharma.


October 22-23, 2011

Lectured for the Hindu Temple of St. Louis, MO., gave two talks for adults and one for the youth on Vedic culture: As Relevant Today as Ever," and "Giving Vedic Culture to the Next Generation," and "Common Questions and Answers," along with some residential programs.


March 3, 2012

Featured Speaker at the first London, Ontario Rangeela Holi Celebration.


May 11, 2012, Featured Speaker, the first presentation at the Festival of Inspiration, New Vrindavana, West Virginia, on "Krishna Deities and Their Miracles."


June 10, 2012, Featured Speaker on "Power of the Dharma and How Vedic Culture is as Relevant Today as Ever," at the Vedantic Center of Nebraska, Hindu Temple, 13010 Arbor Street, Omaha, Nebraska.


August 18, 2012

Invited and featured speaker at the "Hindu Mandir Executives Conference" in San Jose, California, to speak on the Content Architecture, or the content of programs temples must have to inspire, interest and pique the participation of its congregation and the youth in temple activities in order to protect and preserve the future of both the temples and the Vedic culture.


September 22 & 23, 2012

Hindu Youth Camp at an Indiana state park sponsored by the Hindu Temple of Indianapolis, Indiana: to give talks to both youth and adults in separate sessions focusing on values, morals, based on the yamas and niyamas and the qualities of personalities described in the Vedic epics.


January 12, 2013

Keynote lecturer for the Swami Vivekananda 150th Birth Anniversary launch ceremony organized by Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh at the Canton Hindu Temple, Canton, MI.


April 17, 2013

One of the featured speakers at the "Ancient Mysteries" conference in Fort Wayne, Indiana, along with Michael Cremo, Gary David, Frank Joseph, and Wayne May.


May 10, 2013,

Featured Speaker for the Festival of Inspiration at New Vrindavana, West Virginia, on "Krishna Deities and Their Miracles" repeated by popular demand.


August 24, 2013,

One of the featured speakers for the Canadian Hindu Youth Conference at the Vishnu temple in Toronto, Canada, on what attracted him to Vedic culture/Hinduism.


August 31, 2013,

One of the featured speaker in the Gyana Yoga and again in the Bhakti Yoga sessions, at the Dharma & Yoga Fest, put on the by the HSS in Atlanta, Georgia.


September 21, 2013,

One of the featured speakers at the Dharma & Yoga Fest in Bloomington, Illinois, put on by the HSS.


September 27-28,

2013, One of the featured speakers at the "World Without Borders" event in Chicago, put on by the Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America commemorating the 150th year of Swami Vivekananda, with other speakers including Swami Baba Ramdev, Dr. Subramanian Swami, Swami Chidananda Saraswati, Sadhvi Bhagavati, Jeffrey Armstrong, and Swami Jyotirmayananda.


September 29, 2013,

Gave the keynote lecture for the Dharma & Yoga Fest in Morrisville, North Carolina (near Raleigh), on how the principles of Vedic Dharma can create peace throughout society.


February 20, 2014, Radio interview with Rita Louise on Just Energy


February 21, 2014, Gave lecture on "The Purpose of Ritualistic Worship" at the Hindu Temple of St. Louis, 725 Weidman Road, St. Louis, MO.


February 22, 2014, Gave lecture on "The Importance of Bhagavad-gita in this Day and Age," at the Mahatma Gandhi Center, on Weidman Road, St. Louis, MO.


February 23, 2014, Gave lecture on "The Benefits of Applying the Principles of Spirituality and Bhagavad-gita in our Busy Life," to both the youth and parents at the Bal Vihar at the Ladue Middle School, 9701 Conway Rd., St. Louis, MO.


May 9, 2014, Guest speaker to give a presentation on "Seeing Angkor Wat: The Largest Vishnu Temple in the World," at the Festival of Inspiration, New Vrindavana, West Virginia.


August 9, 2014, Guest speaker at the Sanantana Dharma Conference at the International Sanatana Dharma Society Temple, Omaha, Nebraska, on "Recognizing Vedic Culture Around the World."


September 13, 2014, Guest speaker at the First North American Hindu Summit, on The Future of Hinduism in North America, at The Hindu Temple in Omaha, Nebraska, speaking on "The Past, Present and Future of Hinduism in North America."


September 20, 2014, Guest speaker at the Hindu Mandir Executives Conference in Orlando, Florida, speaking on "Becoming a Dharmic Leader."


October 24, 2015, Keynote lecture at the Kumbha Mela festival on the Excelsior Grounds in Norwalk, California, as organized by the Akhil Bharatiya Akhada Parishad.


January 30, 2016, Lecture for the Kerala Hindus in Troy, MI.


February 2, 2016, Interview on Vedic culture and India on the John B Wells, Caravan to Midnight radio show, Episode 463--Patrick Wood & Stephen Knapp.


May 12, 2016, Simhasth Convention (International Convention on Universal Message of Simhasth), Ujjain, India.


June 3, 4 & 5, 2016, SEWA INTERNATIONAL, special guest lectures given for its Cultural Education Seminar, in Bloomington, Illinois, on Vedic history, Pillars of Life and Self-Development, and youth sessions.


October 7-9, 2016, Ancient Artifact Preservation Society conference on Ancient America, Harris, Michigan. Lecture on the Ancient Vedic Influence in Central America.


November 18, 2016, Advancements of Ancient India, given to an Indian Youth Group at the University of Southern California.


December 9-11, 2016, Specially invited guest speaker at the International Seminar on Gita at Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, India.


September 20, 2017, Guest speaker at the Hindu Mandir Executives Conference.


November 25-27, 2017, Specially invited guest speaker at the International Seminar on Gita at Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, India.


October 2-5, 2018, Specially invited guest to speak at the inauguration at the world Peace Dome at MIT University, Pune, India, for the World Parliament of Science, Religion and Philosophies.


October 21, 2018, Guest appearance on the Richard C. Hoagland radio show, "On the Other Side of Midnight."


November 5, 2019, Guest at Ford Motor Company in Dearborn, Michigan, for the Diwali celebrations for the Ford Hindu Group.


January 26-28, 2020, Specially invited guest to speak on "The Power of the Ramayana" at the 2nd World Ramayana Conference in Jabalpur, India.


July 25, 2020, an online talk about "My Journey Through Vedic Culture and What Became of It," with Vaishali Shah, now on Youtube.


December 22, 2020, Online International Bhagavad-Gita Seminar at Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, India, on "Sustainable Existence Gita Philosophy."


April 8, 2021, "How the Bhagavad-gita Can Change Your Life," online class for the Vedic Friends Association, 


April 18, 2021, "The Power of the Ramayana," online Sunday class for Farmington Iskcon.


October, 2021, an online talk about "Defending Vedic Tradition for the Survival of Hindu Dharma," given for the Global Hindu Heritage Foundation, now on Youtube.


June, 2022, an online talk about my journey into Vedic culture, and "Why the World Needs Hinduism," given for the Festival of Bharat, now on Youtube.


June, 2022, an online talk for the Festival of Bharat, on how "The Taj Mahal is not Islamic," now on Youtube.


July, 2022, An online talk for The Center for Indic Studies, on the "Insurgency in Northeast India," about my experience and what I learned while giving talks to the indigenous tribes of India's Northeast, now on Youtube.


[This does not include the many smaller engagements of home programs or lectures at various temples.]


For A Few Letters of Appreciation for Lectures Given [CLICK HERE]

For Photos of Stephen While Lecturing [CLICK HERE]. 

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Some Prepared Lectures and Presentations for Colleges and Universities, or Hindu Organizations

Power Point Presentations

1. How to Be a Corporate Athlete

2. Curing Depression with Spirituality

3. Ancient Indians who did Great Things

4. Re-Discovering the Glories of Ancient India

5. Secrets to Ease Your Stress

6. India's Sustainability Agriculturally and Economically

7. Being a Vedic Ambassador

8. Giving Vedic Culture to the Next Generation

9. Why Be a Hindu

10. What Hinduism Has Done for Me (for general discussions amongst all ages)

11. Seeing Spiritual India -- The Northern Char Dham Area

12. Seeing Spiritual India -- General Holy Places


Introductions To India:

1. Facts About India

2. A Deeper Look at India


Slide Shows

All areas of India

The Divine Depicted in Vedic Art

The Divine Depicted in Vedic Dance

Krishna Darshan 42 Prints


General Lectures and Talks (Non-PowerPoint) Include

1. A Call to be Vedic Ambassadors

2. A New Species of Humanity

3. American Hindus: How to Cultivate your Culture in America

4. Curing Depression with Spirituality

5. Economics According to the Dharmic Way

6. Environmentalism According to the Vedic View

7. Giving Vedic Culture to the Next Generation

8. How to Spiritualize Your Busy Life and Why

9. Particular Traits of Hindu Practices

10. Seeing Spiritual India Talk

11. Uncovering the Truth About India's History

12. Vedic Culture: As Relevant Today as Ever

13. Why I Became a Hindu / Krishna Bhakta

    Other talks can be Arranged According to Need


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